How to increase in false English rib

Keywords: english rib, jumper, raglan, skirt,

In this DROPS video we show how to increase in false fisherman rib and how to work after the increase, as used in the jumper in DROPS 197-2 and in the skirt in DROPS 196-37.

We start by working 7 false fisherman rib stitches before we increase like this:
Knit yarn over and knit stitch together but wait to slip the yarn over and worked stitch off the needle * make 1 yarn over on right needle and knit 1 more stitch in the stitch and yarn over worked*, work from *-* a total 2 times = 5 stitches (= 4 stitches increased).
On next round, work the stitches into the false fisherman (like this: * 1 yarn over, slip 1 stitch on to right needle purlwise, purl 1 *, repeat * - * 1 more time, 1 yarn over, slip 1 stitch on to right needle purlwise ). Continue with false fisherman rib.

Next round work false fisherman rib as follows: * Knit yarn over and knit stitch together, purl 1 *, repeat *-* the entire round.

In this video we use the yarn DROPS Snow.
You MUST read the pattern and look at the chart (if there is) to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find a pattern by clicking on one of the pictures below.

The video above can be used in the following patterns

Comments (11)

Marianne: wrote:

Hvordan er rettmaskene tegnet inn i diagrammet? Kan ikke se annet enn vrangmasker, og at det står at to vrangmasker skal strikkes sammen, mens videoen viser at det er kastet og rettmasken som skal strikkes sammen.Også symbolet for kastet og rettmasken er forskjellig i selve diagrammet og i diagramforklaringen. Hvordan er diagrammet å forstå? Er det ment for vrangen?

13.12.2021 - 13:39

Federica wrote:

Hello, is there a tutorial on how to increase with half fisherman's rib stitch? Can this way shown here apply to? Thanks

29.11.2021 - 10:12

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Federica, this video shows how to increase 4 sts in fisherman's rib, hope this can help. Happy knitting!

30.11.2021 - 08:41

Jenny wrote:

How to increase in false fisherman’s rib

28.09.2021 - 06:42

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Jenny, it depends how the pattern explains to increase; this video shows how to increase 4 sts in Fisherman's rib, can this help?

28.09.2021 - 08:35

Conan wrote:

Bonjour, merci pour votre vidéo très utile, cependant pouvez-vous expliquer comment faire les diminutions en fausses côtes anglaises s’il vous plaît car aucune explication écrite ou en vidéo n’existe sur le net, merci beaucoup

15.01.2021 - 09:11

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Conan, quand on tricote des fausses côtes anglaises avec des jetés de cette façon, vous pouvez bien souvent diminuer comme dans les côtes anglaises avec jetés, consultez nos vidéos, diminutions en côtes anglaises, elles devraient pouvoir vous aider - n'hésitez pas à poser votre question sur le modèle concerné si besoin. Bon tricot!

15.01.2021 - 16:10

Mar wrote:

Like Lynne I have been knitting the Fritid pattern. After knitting the first two rounds following the instructions and charts I too have found that the false English rib comes out back to front and indeed is reversed. I have also looked at the video on how to increase the 4 stitches. Perhaps it because I knit English style and not continental. Also the video title is how to work false English rib and purl stitches on the round. Perhaps it should be knitted stitches. Very confusing .

12.10.2020 - 00:00

Lynne wrote:

Hi again. Thanks for you quick reply. I did follow the video at the beginning and as I say the pattern has worked out perfectly but it is on the inside of the circular needle and looks lovely. However, the stocking stitch neckline where I cast on is on the outside and the pattern on the outside has a lot of purl. Can you think of any reason why this has happened please?

31.08.2020 - 11:44

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Lynne, it might be a good idea to bring your work to the store or show them a picture - or maybe show your picture in our DROPS workshop where other knitters could help you understanding the issue. Happy knitting!

01.09.2020 - 09:51

Lynne wrote:

Hi. I'm making the Fritid jumper and the pattern has worked out ok, the increases are clear and the pattern is lovely BUT it seems to be inside out. The neckline on the outside of the circular needle is correctly in stocking stitch and below seems to be the wrong side of the pattern. The opposite on the inside of the needle. HELP! I've undone the knitting twice and re-tried but still the same problem. Is there any way to send you photos so you can see what I mean? Please can you help?!

31.08.2020 - 10:38

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Lynne, the Fritid jumper is worked in false English rib, did you check this video? This should help you to understand how to work the diagrams (and this one how to increase). Happy knitting!

31.08.2020 - 10:53

Alinr wrote:

Bonjour Merci pour les explacations Je n arrive pas a faire les augmentations comme décris susmentionné Je tricoté un pull point brioche C est peut être une autre manière de faire? Bav

05.02.2020 - 08:14

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Aline, cette vidéo montre comment augmenter dans des côtes anglaises avec jetés (= point "brioche" anglais), on les fait dans des bicolores dans la vidéo, mais la technique sera la même quand on tricote avec une seule couleur. En fonction de votre modèle, vous devrez peut être augmenter encore d'une autre façon. Bon tricot!

05.02.2020 - 08:48

B Svellingen wrote:

Hei Videoen over stopper etter 12 sek. ? Det gjør også noen av de andre videoene. Ellers synes jeg denne oppskriften ikke er så lett å finne ut av. Det er 2 diagram, hva er forskjellen, annet enn at det såt 2 og 1 , og på 1, sår det en linge med 43,46,50,54,58,63 ?

02.02.2020 - 21:03

Isabelle wrote:

Bonjour, Merci pour votre vidéo. Vous parlez d'instructions écrites... ce sont les lignes sous la vidéo ? J'ai testé mais j'obtiens un trou... C'est normal ? Merci pour votre réponse

15.09.2019 - 19:01

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Isabelle, les explications sont celles décrites sous la vidéo et dans les modèles qui utilisent cette technique, veillez à bien conserver la même tension même pour cette augmentation, un petit trou décoratif peut effectivement apparaître. Bon tricot!

16.09.2019 - 13:15

Lisa Chao wrote:

Lovely, clear video. Thank you.

29.12.2018 - 07:20

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