Hvernig á að prjóna garðaprjón yfir nokkrar lykkjur í hring á hringprjón

Keywords: garðaprjón,

Í þessu DROPS myndbandi sýnum við hvernig hægt er að prjóna garðaprjón í hring yfir nokkrar lykkjur. Í útskýringu kemur stundum fyrir að sagt er að prjóna eigi garðaprjón nokkrar umferðir yfir vissan fjölda lykkja t.d. fyrir miðju að framan eða í hlið, en aðrar lykkjur eru prjónaðar í sléttprjóni eða einhverju öðru mynstri.
Prjónið í hring á hringprjón þannig: Þær lykkjur sem prjónaðar eru í garðaprjóni eru prjónaðar brugðið í 2. hverri umferð og slétt í 2. hverri umferð, aðrar lykkjur eru prjónaðar áfram slétt í hverri umferð eða eftir uppskrift.
Fylgja þarf uppskrift til þess að geta fylgt myndbandinu eftir.
Þú finnur mynstur þar sem þessi aðferð er notuð með því að smella á myndirnar að neðan.

Myndbandið að ofan er hægt að nota í eftirfarandi mynstrum

Athugasemdir (7)

Paula Wolters wrote:

DROPS design: Patroon w-807 Vraag . Begin op de verkeerde kant en ga verder met tricotsteek heen en weer gebreid en*** 2 kantsteken in ribbelsteek aan elke kant. *** Hoe brei je 2 kantsteken in ribbel steek

03.03.2022 - 02:32

Diana McNamee wrote:

Pattern 175-32 on increases: When increasing before & after marker Will be increasing on both front/back and sleeve How are there two separate directions Please help

12.01.2021 - 15:54

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs McNamee, you increase for raglan on a different rythm on body and sleeves, this means you will sometimes increase 8 sts (= body and sleeves) or only 4 sts (sleeves on every 4th round when you increase on body on every 4th round - or contrary depending on the size). Increase as explained under RAGLAN on both side of the marker thread when increasing 8 sts, before or after marker thread when increasing only 4 sts. Happy knitting!

13.01.2021 - 09:02

Diana McNamee wrote:

Pattern 185-32 increases to raglan: when increasing before & after marker , the increases are both front/back & sleeve. How can there be different directions for each? Have read this over & over & cannot understand. Please help !

11.01.2021 - 17:35

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs McNamee, DROPS 185-32 is a headband... It might be easier if you post your question under the question section of the pattern you are working on. Thank you!

12.01.2021 - 09:44

Rama Ghan wrote:

Thanks a lot. Elegant website, very helpful videos, Gorgeous designs and all for free! If I became a skilled knitter, that would be because of your efforts

02.05.2017 - 20:58

JPutter wrote:

A round does this mean a row? what is K all rows. 1ridge = 2 rows k mean? I am so confused does continue in garter stitch back and forth mean continue in garter stitch pattern?

01.03.2015 - 18:47

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Jputter, when working in the round, 1 ridge = K1 round + P1 round - you will then have to work the sts in garter st K on 1st round and P on 2nd round and then repeat these 2 rounds the number of ridges required in the pattern. Happy knitting!

02.03.2015 - 11:06


Your pattern says to use double pointed needles and to work - 'garter stitch in the round' BUT you don't show how this is done?

10.11.2014 - 23:14

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Davies, this video show how to work only a few sts in garter st when working in the round - you can see here how to work garter st in the round, ie K 1 round, P 1 round over the sts that should be worked in garter st. Happy knitting!

11.11.2014 - 09:50

Catherine wrote:

De averechte steek wordt zo snel gedaan dat ik niet kan zien hoe het werkt, dit in tegenstelling van de rechte steek. Ikl wil rondbreien leren !

25.11.2011 - 12:11

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