Hvordan hekle ruter sammen

Søkeord: rute,

I denne DROPS video viser vi en måte å hekle ruter sammen på.

Hekle rutene eller delene sammen ytterst i kanten. Hekle 1 fm i hjørnet på 1.del, 2 lm, 1 fm i hjørnet på 2.del, *4 lm, 1 fm diagonalt tilbake i 1.del, 2 lm rett over til 2.del, 2 fm i 2.del*, gjenta *-*

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Kommentarer (29)

Dominique wrote:

There appears to be no video for joining the squares. Is the link missing?

29.04.2024 - 20:10

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Dominique, if you cannot see any videos, that might be because you didn't accept all cookies then it blocked YouTube.

30.04.2024 - 08:15

Joyce Lanterman wrote:

What do you do when you get to the corner? How do you attach the next square?

09.11.2023 - 06:27

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Lanterman, you can then work as shown in this video. Happy crocheting!

09.11.2023 - 08:38

Poix Béatrice wrote:

Bonjour pour relier les granys du top Bohème, est ce la même technique ?? merci pour votre réponse

26.08.2022 - 11:57

DROPS Design answered:

Bonjour Mme Poix, si vous pensez à ce modèle, alors non, la technique est différente: posez 2 carrés endroit contre endroit et crochetez en piquant dans les 2 carrés en même temps: 1 ms dans le coin, *3 ml, 1 ms autour de l'arceau suivant des 2 carrés*, répétez de *-* et terminez par 1 ms dans le dernier arceau. Bon crochet!

26.08.2022 - 15:50

Heidi Måkestad wrote:

Hei Jeg er venstre hendt, og lurer på om videoen blir feil vei for meg? Får ikke helt til å hekle sammen rutene mine

23.09.2020 - 17:12

Conny Holm wrote:

Beklager, men jeg er ikke særligt velbevandret udi hækling. Jeg er ved at montere ruderne, men mine masker vender modsat hinanden, når ruderne vender vrang mod vrang, og instruktionsvideoens ruder har maskerne samme vej??? Min logik siger, at de ikke kan vende samme vej, men måske kan I forklare hvordan de skal ligge?

19.07.2018 - 16:11

Conny Holm wrote:

Instruktionsvideo: Hækl ruder sammen Jeg har svært ved at se, hvor de 2 fm hækles på del 2 i videoen: "2 lm lige over til 2.del, 2 fm i 2.del* "

19.07.2018 - 13:39

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Conny, du har 3 masker imellem hver. Men hvis du synes det bliver bedre med flere eller færre antal masker imellem, så gør du bare det. God fornøjelse!

30.08.2018 - 16:05

Inge Veldkamp wrote:

Ik maak de Seaside Blues. In het filmpje wordt duidelijk hoe twee vierkantjes aan elkaar kunnen worden gehaakt, maar hoe moet ik er 4 met elkaar verbinden. Hoe maak ik het kruispunt en hoe zorg ik dat ik er niet steeds na 2 hoef af te hechten?

13.04.2018 - 17:10

DROPS Design answered:

Hallo Inge, Je kan op dezelfde manier gewoon verder gaan met de volgende 2 vierkanten, dus je hoeft niet af te hechten, maar begint weer in de hoek en gaat zo verder heen en weer. Als je op deze manier een aantal vierkanten aan elkaar hebt gezet, kun je dit daarna op dezelfde manier overdwars doen.

04.06.2018 - 06:36

Carrie Collins wrote:

On the sea side blues pattern, how do you do the border

20.02.2018 - 04:25

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Collins, in this pattern there is no finishing edge around the whole blanket, when all squares have been crocheted together blanket is done. Happy crocheting!

20.02.2018 - 08:55

Fiona wrote:

Hi im crocheting the squares for "seaside blues " when it comes to joining them i was watching the video it looks like shes skipping stitches between sc how many is she skipping please

20.01.2018 - 07:44

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Fiona, video is showing the standard way to crochet squares together, follow diagram M.2 to your pattern with sts and chains as shown in diagram crocheting the sc (black dots) between sts from last round on squares and skipping 3 sts on each square. Happy crocheting!

22.01.2018 - 11:04

Diana wrote:

Hei. Jeg holder på å lage bestemorruter til et teppe (for min kommende nevø, baby), et teppe til å ha i vogna over dyna. Tenkte å gjøre det tett, som et lappeteppe (?). Har dere en annen måte som viser hvordan man kan "sette de isammen" tett, rett ved siden av hverandre? (Ikke sånn som i videoen over, da d blir mellomrom mellom lappene). På forhånd takk! :)

12.08.2017 - 01:38

DROPS Design answered:

Hei Diana. Ta en titt på denne video, kanskje du syns det passer deg bedre (evnt les forklaringen på monteringen under oppskriften til 163-3) Hvordan hekle rutene sammen i DROPS 163-3 Du kan også gå inn på våre Instruksjonsvideo side og søke på Heklevideo - Montering. God Fornøyelse!

15.08.2017 - 09:55

Sharon wrote:

Can't find the directions for the boarder. Know I saw it but can't locate it again.

06.06.2017 - 20:53

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Sharon, can you please tell more about the pattern you are working on? It would be helpfull to be able to answer you. Happy crocheting!

07.06.2017 - 09:40

Lone G wrote:

Endelig en, der holder rigtigt på hæklenålen. I Like it!

11.05.2017 - 19:24

Eva wrote:

Hej Drops. Jeg kan ikke få denne video, om hvordan man hækler to bedstemor ruder sammen - til at passe med bolero 139-31 - for på den bolero, er der ingen åbninger eller masker på tværs. Så har i en video der viser den sammenhækling? Hilsen Eva

19.04.2017 - 19:58

DROPS Design answered:

Hej Eva, Gå ind på video og klik på montering, så får du flere forslag til hvordan man kan gøre. God fornøjelse!

12.05.2017 - 13:20

Donna Devarenne wrote:

Drops by crochet 167-14 midsummer joy shawl. I've reached the assembly part and now I'm stuck! I've crochet together 3 shares but not sure where to crochet the 4th square???? It needs a whole to put your head through. Where and when do I add the 4th square???

08.04.2017 - 18:39

DROPS Design answered:

Hi Donna! Look at the picture - the back of the poncho is exactly the same like the front. Happy knitting!

11.04.2017 - 14:59

Jerilyn Avila wrote:

I am trying to finish 137 the Lilly of the Valley poncho, can I use this technique to join the squares?

27.07.2016 - 06:39

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Mrs Avila, that's the technique used in that poncho, remember to follow the number of chains given for this pattern and use this technique to crochet squares tog. Happy crocheting!

27.07.2016 - 08:43

Paola wrote:

I'm sorry but you have been of no help than what I asked . Maybe I can not explain well why the space to write the comment is limited

12.04.2016 - 12:07

DROPS Design answered:

Hello Paola. Join first and second square tog; then just carry on joining third and forth square with the squares you’ve already joined. The dotted line you find in diag. A2 (pattern 148-40) can help you. You can get help in Italian or you can contact your Drops store for individual assistance. Happy crocheting!

12.04.2016 - 12:43

Paola wrote:

Yes of course I'm doing the blanket SIERRA LEONE but the model is not clear how to combine the square that I have already joined vertically with those who have joined horizontally.

08.04.2016 - 12:28

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Paola, you can join all the squares in vertical stripes (or horizontal if you prefer) as showed in the video, and then using the same technique you can join all the stripes together. Happy crocheting!

08.04.2016 - 12:51

Paola wrote:

Good morning. I did not understand two things : 1 ) if you have to do all the square and then merge them all first horizontally and then vertically ; 2 ) how to combine the third with the fourth square . Thank you

07.04.2016 - 10:01

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Paola, are you following a pattern? In all patterns, in the assembly section, it's explained how to crochet the squares together and in which order. Happy crocheting!

07.04.2016 - 10:25

Cindy wrote:

Rhapsody in rose Assembly : it states beg in bottom edge up to neck ( ok that makes sense ) And opposite side of MIDDLE square

07.03.2016 - 18:23

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Cindy, you will crochet the mid square to the 2 squares on each side: start at the bottom edge on the right side of mid square and crochet this side to the other side along 1 side (= up to the tip of mid square), then crochet the mid square tog along left side to the next square on the left side. Happy crocheting!

08.03.2016 - 08:36

Cindy Thomas wrote:

I'm stuck on directions for joining squares on rhapsody in rose It says go up nexk ( ws tog ws) The video helps so much But the way it travels I'm a bit confused Down along other side of middle stairs and the next square? Also assembly : beg bottom edge up to neck and down opposite side of middle? Help please

07.03.2016 - 18:20

Arbaiah Aird wrote:

When joining squares by crotchet, how do you join the corners once you have crochet vertically?

13.09.2015 - 10:29

DROPS Design answered:

Dear Arbaiah Aird, when you have crocheted the squares tog horizontally, work the bands together the same way vertically. Happy crocheting!

14.09.2015 - 10:26

Sonya Ward wrote:

Thanks for this way of connecting squares for an afghan. It is just what I was looking for. Afghan is for a guy and I wanted some thing simple. Thanks again.

04.09.2015 - 02:11

Pipar Marie Karlsson wrote:

Hej. Jag förstår inte hur jag ska få ihop del 1. Har gjort rutorna samt satt ihop men jag får inte det att stämma. Jag undrar hur ni har tänkt? Behöver få det bättre förklarat. Mvh marie

26.06.2015 - 06:49

Dorte wrote:

Jeg har ser video hækl ruder sammen. Men hvordan når næste rude og række skal hækles med ???? Er der en video med det? Hjørnerne skulle jo også gerne blive pæne. Skal det være luft Master der danner et kryds? Og hvor mange lm skal der være for at det passer til?

11.01.2014 - 09:37

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